Hello, my lovely people! 🎄
La publicación de esta semana está pensada para que todos os sumerjáis en el espíritu navideño mientras aprendéis y os divertís. Hemos preparado una actividad especial sobre Christmas traditions around the world, ideal para estudiantes de nivel A2-B1.
🌍 Christmas Around the World
En esta actividad, descubriréis cómo se celebra la Navidad en diferentes países como el Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia e Irlanda. Aprenderéis vocabulario clave y datos culturales curiosos que os sorprenderán.
Primera parte: Leed el texto con información sobre las tradiciones navideñas en varios países.
Segunda parte: Poned a prueba vuestros conocimientos con un quiz interactivo en Wordwall.
Tercera parte: Reflexionad y comparad las tradiciones navideñas de estos países con las de España. ¿Qué costumbres son similares? ¿Cuáles son diferentes?
¡Una forma dinámica y entretenida de aprender inglés, mejorar el vocabulario y conocer más sobre las celebraciones navideñas en el mundo!
Enjoy it, and happy learning! 🎅✨
Yoci Teacher
1. Read the text and test your knowledge by answering the quiz questions. Let’s see how much you know!
Christmas Around the World 🎄
Christmas is a very special time in many countries. In the UK, families eat turkey with roast potatoes and pull Christmas crackers during dinner. Crackers make a "pop" sound, and inside, there is a small toy, a paper crown, and a funny joke.
In the USA, people drink a sweet holiday drink called eggnog. Many children hang stockings by the fireplace for Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve, Santa fills the stockings with presents. In New York City, the Rockefeller Center has a huge Christmas tree every year.
In Australia, Christmas is in summer! Many families go to the beach to celebrate. Santa sometimes uses kangaroos to pull his sleigh instead of reindeer.
In Canada, people love the snow during Christmas. Children write letters to Santa at the North Pole, and his postal code is "H0H 0H0". Canadians also decorate their Christmas trees with lights, and they ice-skate with their families.
In Ireland, people leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Some families also leave a small glass of whiskey for him!
Christmas has many fun traditions around the world. Do you know the name of Santa’s red-nosed reindeer? It’s Rudolph!
2. Answer the questions in this quiz based on the text you’ve just read.
(Para realizar esta tarea de forma analógica, podéis descargar aquí el PDF con la actividad. 😉)
3. Think about how Christmas traditions in Spain or in your country are similar or different to those in the text.
This is a very good game to practise the Christmas day and his vocabulary